Arrivals / Departures
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- Arrivals
- Departures
Information current as of: 2024-12-09 03:03 pm
- Carrier
- Flight #
- From
- Scheduled
- Expected
- Status
- CarrierCentral Mountain Air
- Flight Number786
- FromFort Nelson
- Scheduled13:45, Dec 09
- Expected15:05
- Statuslate
- CarrierAir Canada
- Flight Number8343
- FromVancouver
- Scheduled14:30, Dec 09
- Expected14:47
- Statusarrived
- CarrierCentral Mountain Air
- Flight Number708
- FromTerrace
- Scheduled14:55, Dec 09
- Expected15:55
- Statuslate
- CarrierWestJet
- Flight Number3297
- FromVancouver
- Scheduled19:08, Dec 09
- Expected19:08
- Statusontime
- CarrierAir Canada
- Flight Number8345
- FromVancouver
- Scheduled19:27, Dec 09
- Expected19:30
- Statusontime
- CarrierPacific Coastal Airlines
- Flight Number1498
- FromKelowna
- Scheduled19:40, Dec 09
- Expected19:40
- Statusontime
- CarrierWestJet
- Flight Number3287
- FromVancouver
- Scheduled23:18, Dec 09
- Expected23:18
- Statusontime
- CarrierAir Canada
- Flight Number8349
- FromVancouver
- Scheduled23:35, Dec 09
- Expected23:35
- Statusontime
- Carrier
- Flight #
- To
- Scheduled
- Expected
- Status
- CarrierWestJet
- Flight Number3282
- ToVancouver
- Scheduled13:55, Dec 09
- Expected14:48
- Statusdeparted
- CarrierPacific Coastal Airlines
- Flight Number1414
- ToVictoria
- Scheduled13:55, Dec 09
- Expected14:10
- Statusdeparted
- CarrierAir Canada
- Flight Number8346
- ToVancouver
- Scheduled15:05, Dec 09
- Expected15:10
- Statusontime
- CarrierCentral Mountain Air
- Flight Number634
- ToEdmonton
- Scheduled15:20, Dec 09
- Expected16:05
- Statusdelayed
- CarrierCentral Mountain Air
- Flight Number728
- ToKelowna
- Scheduled15:35, Dec 09
- Expected16:05
- Statusdelayed
- CarrierWestJet
- Flight Number3298
- ToVancouver
- Scheduled19:50, Dec 09
- Expected19:50
- Statusontime
- CarrierAir Canada
- Flight Number8350
- ToVancouver
- Scheduled20:05, Dec 09
- Expected20:05
- Statusontime
The Prince George Airport Authority (PGAA) does not verify the accuracy or completeness of this flight information and disclaims any implied warranties with regard to it. The PGAA shall have no liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of relying on flight information on this site which may prove to be inaccurate or incomplete. To verify flight information, please contact the airline.
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